You’re Invited To the Perfect Outfits For Winter Travel Event {Your Sanity While traveling is Not Guaranteed}
Your Formal Invitation to the Outfits of Winter
We cordially invite you to come celebrate this momentous, busy, loud, and Clampetts-viewing day with us on Friday, December 23, 2022 at one of the BUSIEST AIRPORTS in the country, on one of the busiest travel days of the year.
{It’s taken an entire year to recover from last year’s traveling hijinks, long lines, and a cancelled flight after hitting birds in the air and landing back where you started, but feeling good about this travel Christmas.🤞🏼}
Kindly grace us with your presence on our special airport travel day once more so we may reunite in the Dunkin Donuts line at the Chicago O’Hare food court.
Our plane leaves at 9:00 am. Please arrive at 8:10 am so we may have ample line-waiting and make it to our gates on time {and once more wait in line}.
Unless, of course, you’re also flying into SEA-TAC International. If so, we’d love for you to join us for our lengthy amble to K-20.
No Gifts::
In lieu of gifts, we’ll be blessed with the gift of time in the long TSA line, sharing an awkward moment at the conveyer while
- Pockets are turned out
- Coats are removed
- Belts are unthreaded from waists
- Laptops are tugged from carry-on bags
- 15”-knee-length heeled boots get their zipper stuck and we’ve spent the last 16 glorious minutes watching the balancing act of sock-less feet being extracted
Attire:: 5 Winter Outfits
Black tie is optional for the travel day, but if you really want to turn the lookie-loo-people-watching heads {yes, I like to people-watch too}, feel free to go all out on this travel day extravaganza, skip the pajama pants and slippers and GO FLY BLACK TIE!
For the rest of us, this is usually a laid-back, fun, truly casual get together — dress accordingly. Here are FIVE MUSTS for outfits to stay comfortable and stylish all party {or winter travel} day long…
1/ Keep Your Winter Look Comfortable + Simple
The airport is NOT the time to break in those knee-high 15”-heeled boots {or heels}. Yes, this is a casual-dress party day, but wear a closet favorite like those jeans or leggings you live in.
2/ The TSA is also attending this airport travel party — go practical in your winter outfits
- No big belt buckles
- No shoes that set off the alarms
- Wear socks {think about alllll the things that spill on an airport floor}
3/ Layered attire is your BFF for this party
The winter chill is in the air{port} + plane. Layer on a tee with a sweater, jacket, scarf, or trench coat. You can always peel as needed, but if you don’t have it, you can’t peel it.
Joggers | Hoodie | Vest | Sneakers {similar}| Crossbody Bag
4/ Leggings are a party favorite
Up-style your comfy leggings for this outfit winter party with your top layer, shoes, and accessories.
- Trench coat • Sweater • Jeans
- Leather jacket / Blazer • Black joggers/leggings
- Add in a hat or fedora
- Tie a sweater/patterned flannel at your waist over leggings
4.5/ Tailored joggers
- Pair them with Sweater • Sneakers • Jacket • Necklace
- Match with oversized Jacket / Blazer • Scarf
5/ Shoes made for walkin’
- Stylish sneakers
- Flats
- Booties {not high-heeled boots or 52-buckle muck-a-luck-snow boots}
- Loafers
Can’t wait to see y’all again this year at the winter outfit travel party! –That’s the airport–please don’t come to my house, I’m still in my pajama’s packing right now–
{The airport winter party guest list rivals Santa’s Naughty and Nice lists, so get an early start to enjoy your coffee + people-watching before your plane departs. It NEVER disappoints 😂}
Do you love a good Checklist instead?
Mix-n-match your travel outfit this winter::
[ ] Jeans | Leggings | Joggers
[ ] Shirt | T-shirt
[ ] Sweater
[ ] Scarf — Oversized, Neck, or Blanket
[ ] Sneakers | Booties | Flats
[ ] Blazer | Jacket — Denim, Leather, Coatigan
Related posts for your style, travel, and book recs::
- Style Guide :: Every month, I show my top three liked outfits on this page for easy clickable inspiration
- My Favorite Things in clothes, fuzzy socks, and cinnamon
- Paris Time Travel if you’re flying over the pond
- GG Book Idea to match your favorite coffee and wine
What’s your favorite holiday travel story?
P.S. A Glimpse of Good in Chapter 50 can be delivered to your inbox each month if you click nicely. Or tap if you’re sitting in the airport, reading on your phone instead of people watching.
P.P.S. For the Clampitt-traveling-family with strollers, diaper bag full of snacks –that are really packed for your survival eating– and three napless children, I’ve been there AND I’ve survived to write about it. YOU’VE GOT THIS! In your case, go with the easy one-hand up-and-down leggings😉
P.P.P.S Yes. All of the above airport recollections are REAL + experienced over the years in our annual holiday travel. After all these years, I wonder what my eyes will feast on next. We humans are a varied and eclectic bunch, and it’s fun to get out and see it in all its unedited glory.
{EXCEPT for the rude and mean humans screeeeching at the Gate Agents for the weather delays or broken plane causing them to miss their connection. Because clearly the Gate Agent created the snow storm in DECEMBER to ruin YOUR day.}
Andrea ~ The Next Chapter Blogger
A Glimpse of Good
Global Gallivanter • SmileRaiser • Lifestyle Blogger • 50+ Style Peacock • Book Buff • WW Wine Taster • Queen of Quirky
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Sharing travel goodness + sometimes, some links give a few dinero, which is enough to pay my parking meter for 60-minutes of blissful shopping –usually grocery shopping, but still, it’s shopping– Grazie.