A Motivate Minute in 60 for your 50's

Andrea | A Glimpse of Good
3 min readDec 12, 2022


motivational minute, the road to follow

In the last Monday of every month I close with a 60-second Motivate Moment. 😉

I came across a video that HIT HOME. As if she had knocked on my front door, invited herself in and HIT ME! Saying, “Stop and really listen to me for a sec!”

And I did, over and over, as she talked through the decades of our lives. In Chapter 50 we’ve had a few we can relate to by now.

The years go by::

At 14 unsure and self-conscious about everything you wore or how you looked

When you were 18 you wanted longer legs, a smaller waist, bigger bum…

When you turned 30 you wonder why you didn’t appreciate your 20’s more

At 40 you’ll want tighter skin, less gray hair, tighter tummy

When you’re 50 you’ll just want the hot flashes and sore shoulders to go away

And at 70 you’ll wonder why you ever looked at yourself with all that criticism {and realize the privilege of reaching this age}

SMACK — right!?

Every decade we’re graced to live is an opportunity to appreciate an adventure. There are a lot of adventures by the time we hit 50. Sip your coffee and think about how many more YOU GET when you reach 70! 80! …

I am a globe trotting gallivanter who loves sharing travel tips. I’m a book buff and have all kinds of recommendations. And I love style! I’m a style Peacock with color + spreading my ideas to change up our looks in our 50’s.

It brings me joy to entertain and help.

But it’s never meant to overshadow the unique, beautiful, awe-mazing people we are –quirks and all –

Add the window dressings if you want in your style, hair coloring, nail polish… {I proudly cover my gray, but maybe not forever}

But don’t — for one quarter second — think that is the change or look you need. We need YOU just the way YOU ARE!

One person will love “it”

Another won’t like “it”

But always AND FOREVER remind yourself that it’s all about the experiences we have. The ride we get, forever long we’re blessed to be here!

As the sprint through these holiday months swish by I’m trying to stop and be in the moment, to treasure the age I’ve made it to right now. There are sad, painful, drab, rotten — like someone smashing your exquisitely, Pinterest-inspired porch pumpkins to bits — days.

But then you have the sweetest two-year-old waddle up your porch steps in their Peter Pan costume and say,

“Twick-or-tweat” + “tank ewe”

{Smashed pumpkins forgotten and my melting heart gushes for this tiny one on their way to exploring every age ahead of her.}

Every day is a chance to motivate

Whatever age this year reaches you, make it your BEST ONE YET!

September’s Motivational Minute I started with doing “IT” your way. Whatever that IT was for you.

Who could use some motivation today?

{Give them a call or send this blog post — or Instagram video — to them if you’re short on time}

Andrea ~ The Next Chapter Blogger
A Glimpse of Good

World Traveler • Over 50 Styler • Lifestyle Blogger • Books&Wine
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Andrea | A Glimpse of Good

Globe Gallivanter. 50+ Style Enthusiast. Book Buff. Wine Taster. Queen of Quirky | Lifestyle Blogger + Renovator of THGB