9 Wellness Tips and How Zumba Changes Everything
9 wellness tips when our metabolism decides to go on strike against us.
I’ve read that women start noticing a slowdown around 35, some at 40, and even later. My metabolism held strong until I saw number 48.
The glorious age of 48 was the year my metabolism went on vacation and didn’t come back.
Your Body Decides For You
I’ve always exercised, from the days of Jane Fonda step aerobics to my favorite — Billy Blanks ta bo workouts. They energized me. It was my coffee rush before I knew how much I liked coffee.
My Favorite Wellness Tip
If my body was going to change in a snap, I guess my workout routine should too.
I finally stepped out of my safe, cozy workout comfort-zone and started what I thought I could love, besides my new coffee routine…
Before you say, “I can’t dance!” Lemme say that I can hold my own in a lot of sports, but when it comes to anything dance-related, I’m a running-Phoebe-through-Central-Park kind of dancer…can be funny to watch, but it’s NOT stage-worthy.
If I can do this — YOU can do this!
It took me over a year and a back surgery to work up the nerve to even walk into Zumba class.
I finally did it, and as of last Monday, I moved myself to the advanced Zumba class {woo-hoo!}. I’m awful again…but oh well. If you go to Zumba and see a 5'3" Mama in the back row with little-to-zero groove…That’s me “the rhythmically-challenged one in the back row.”
Nice to meet you + come and join us!
If we never start — we’ll never get there. And at 50, starting new is even scarier than walking into freshman year homeroom at a new school.
But age has its grand privileges! At 15, everything is new, and there’s always something new to figure out how to get through. At 50, walking into class is less intimidating, because laughing at my missteps is how I roll now.
How about you? Why not laugh together with a friend and get your move-on together.
We aren’t 15 anymore, thank heavens! But we’re never too old to start something new, and these wellness tips are just a few ways to get moving towards something new, something to shake up the metabolism, and maybe, juuuuussst maybe, a new routine you’ll fall in love with.
Wellness Tips | To Your Health
Pick one or two and focus on that for the next 21 days {21 days cements it into a habit}.
If #1, Zumba, is not your jam here’s a list of other ideas for your health.
2/ JUST DO IT:: What do you like? Start it today {biking, walking, jumping rope, step aerobics, swimming, yoga, dancing in your basement…}
3/ MAKE IT FUN:: Make the first healthy step something that is — or could turn into — FUN {if we like it, it sticks!}
4/ DRINK WATER:: I wrote about what a big deal water was to our skin HERE and HERE. Maybe this is the place to start. I follow the half-your-weight method. Take your weight, divide by 2, and drink that many ounces a day.
5/ MOVE IT:: If you don’t have a fun idea to try yet, then just keep moving {instead of sitting to watch a show, try pacing or get on a treadmill} {walk at lunch and listen to a podcast!}
6/ SET YOUR DAYS:: Walking 2 days a week at lunch? Move it up to 3 days, and put the exact days on your calendar. When we set a date + time on the calendar, we’re better at sticking to it.
7/ BUDDY SYSTEM:: Accountability works. We can talk ourselves out of going to that Zumba class alone, but if we’re meeting a friend, we’ll push harder to get our buns out the door.
8/ CUT IT OUT:: Pick one food or drink to cut out today {replace it with a water bottle}. If I can replace a cup of coffee, I know you can do it too, sister!
9/ MAKE IT A GAME:: I find a podcast that’s 30–60 minutes and don’t let myself get off the elliptical until it’s over {fast, slow, resistance or not — I keep going until it’s over}. OR make a music playlist that’s 30/40/60 minutes long & go to the end.
10/ PICK A COLOR:: Add a new fruit or veggie to breakfast, snack, dinner…Pinterest has some great recipes for ideas. {Tried zoodles yet? I have good ones on my healthy eats board}
11/ Weird Water Fetish:: I need a straw.
I’m a better water-drinker when I drink from a straw instead of a glass or water bottle. Weird cup fetish — maybe. 🤷🏼♀️ Every night, I fill them up so they’re the first thing I go to in the morning {straw ones for home + 1 workout bottle}
I really can count, but a few extra ideas could be your wellness spark. When that half-century number pops up, is there such a thing as “too many” ideas to jumpstart our metabolism out of sluggish-ville?
What is your favorite wellness tip that motivates you?
Fining the motivator keeps us going well past 50 — CHEERS to your health!
A Glimpse of Good
World Traveler • Over 45 Styler • Lifestyle Blogger • Books&Wine
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